How Do Plug-in Hybrid Electric Cars Work?

Published Feb 25, 2015 Updated Nov 12, 2015

插电式混合动力汽车,即phev,将汽油或柴油发动机与电动机和大型可充电电池结合在一起. Unlike conventional hybrids, PHEVS can be plugged-in and recharged from an outlet, 让它们仅靠电力就能行驶更长的距离. When the battery is emptied, 传统发动机启动,车辆就像传统发动机一样运行, non-plug-in hybrid.

因为它们可以依靠电网供电——而且电力通常是比汽油或柴油更清洁的能源——插电式混合动力车比纯汽油混合动力车产生的全球变暖污染要少得多. 电动汽车行驶时不会排放任何尾气污染, 而且,由于配备了电动机和电池,它们还能提高燃油效率. Since they use less gas, 它们的燃料成本也更低:驾驶插电式混合动力车每年可以节省数百美元的汽油和柴油成本.

To take advantage of plug-in hybrid vehicles, drivers need access to parking and a place to plug-in, though a regular 120V outlet is usually sufficient. And since most PHEVs are passenger cars, 潜在买家不应该经常要求空间容纳超过五人, and they shouldn't need to tow.

Plug-in hybrid features


While not all models work the same way, 大多数插电式汽车至少可以在两种模式下运行:“全电动”," in which the motor and battery provide all of the car's energy; and "hybrid," in which both electricity and gasoline are used. PHEVs typically startup in all-electric mode, 依靠电力运行直到电池组耗尽:续航里程从10英里到40英里不等. 某些车型在达到高速公路巡航速度时切换到混合动力模式, generally above 60 or 70 miles per hour.

电动机和电池使插电式混合动力车比传统汽车使用更少的燃料,产生更少的污染, even when in hybrid mode. Idle-off 在红灯或交通堵塞时关闭发动机,节省燃料. Regenerative braking 将制动过程中丢失的一些能量转换成可用的电能,储存在电池中. And because the electric motor supplements the engine's power, smaller engines can be used, 在不影响性能的情况下提高汽车的燃油效率.

不同型号的插电式混合动力汽车也可能有不同的传动系统, 向驱动轮提供动力的机械部件. Learn about the implications of different hybrid drivetrains.

Differences between plug-in hybrids and other EVs

Conventional hybrids have an electric motor and battery, like plug-ins, 但它们所有的动力都来自汽油或柴油,不能通过插电充电. 正因为如此,非插电式混合动力车不被认为是电动汽车。. Learn more about how hybrids work.

Battery electric vehicles 只有一个电动机和电池,所有的电力都来自插头. Unlike PHEVs, 电池电动汽车没有内燃机,也不能像混合动力汽车那样运行. But since they’re powered entirely by electricity, 它们不会产生尾气排放,当使用可再生能源充电时,它们可以实现零排放. Learn more about how battery electrics work.

Fuel cell electric vehicles 将氢气转化为电能,为电动机和电池提供动力. Fuel-cell vehicles are only beginning to appear for purchase, 但作为一种低碳清洁技术提供了巨大的希望. Learn more about how fuel cells and fuel cell vehicles work.

Learn more about electric vehicle technology here, including its potential as a nationwide oil-saving solution.

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