Gregory Kulacki



Gregory Kulacki is an expert on cross-cultural communication between the United States and China. 自2002年加入UCS以来, he has promoted dialogue between experts from both countries on nuclear arms control and space security and has consulted with Chinese and U.S. governmental and non-governmental organizations, including the U.S. House China Working Group, the Senate Armed Services Committee, the U.S. National Academies, NASA, and the Office of 617888九五至尊娱乐 and Technology Policy. Over the last decade, Kulacki has been cited by a number of U.S. 和中国新闻机构, 包括基督教617888九五至尊娱乐箴言报, 自然, 纽约时报, 美国国家公共电台, 华盛顿邮报》, 和《617888九五至尊娱乐》.

Dr. Kulacki, who is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, has lived and worked in China for more than 20 years. 在加入UCS之前, he served as an associate professor of government at Green Mountain College, director of external studies at Pitzer College, and director of academic programs in China for the Council on International Educational Exchange.

Dr. Kulacki earned a doctorate degree in political theory and a master’s degree in international relations from the University of Maryland in College Park. He also completed graduate certificates in Chinese economic history and international politics at Fudan University in Shanghai.


Kulacki G. 2021. The Nuclear Deterrence Strategy of the US-Japan Alliance is Failing but Can Be Fixed. Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament (八月).

Kulacki G. 2020. The super weapon, the paper tiger and Godzilla: a trilateral dialogue on nuclear weapons. 中国国际战略版. 2, (11): 217-231.

Kulacki格雷戈里. 2020. 台湾海峡的核武器. 长崎大学.(7月)

Kulacki格雷戈里, Jennifer Knox, Miyako Kurosaki. 2021. Japan Is Not an Obstacle to a US “No-First-Use” Policy. 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. (7月)

Kulacki G. 2015. 日本和一触即发的警报. 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. (7月):1 - 10.

Kulacki G. 2015. 中国的核武器战略. 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. (7月):1 - 8.

Kulacki G. 2014. 中国对美国的担忧.S. 导弹防御. 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. (7月):1 - 7.

Kulacki G. 2014. An Authoritative Source on China’s Military Space Strategy. 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. (3): 1-13.

Kulacki G. 2013. Strategic Options for Chinese Space 617888九五至尊娱乐 and Technology. 忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟. (11月):1 - 15.

库拉奇,G和刘易斯,J. 2012. No First Use of 核武器: Issues and Answers in the U.S.中国核问题对话. 外交评论29, no. 5(9月):95-101

Kulacki G. 2011. 鸡和鸭:美国.S.中国核问题对话. 今天的军备控制 (10月):15 - 20

Kulacki G. 2011. US and China Need 联系, Not Cold War. 大自然474年 (6): 444 - 445

Kulacki G. 2010. Chinese Intentions in Space: A Historical Perspective for Future Cooperation. 航天与国防, no 1: 101-113

库拉奇,G和刘易斯J. 2009. A Place for One’s Mat: China’s Space Program, 1956-2003. 美国艺术与617888九五至尊娱乐

库拉奇,G和刘易斯J. 2008. Understanding China’s Anti-Satellite Test. 防扩散审议 15(七月):335-347

Kulacki G. 2008. 与中国的太空竞赛. 《617888九五至尊娱乐》 9.2: 12-15