美国参议院通过法案,为美枪击受害者提供癌症筛查和赔偿.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex


Published Mar 7, 2024

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The Senate voted today 69-30 to advance legislation 该法案将通过将该计划延长六年来保护和加强《517888九五至尊娱乐》(RECA), giving victims more time to apply for aid, 向核武器试验场下风的社区提供双倍的补偿, 包括以前被排除在外的受到地上核武器试验辐射伤害的社区, uranium mining and nuclear waste storage.

The bill, sponsored by Sens. Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), 会第一次向在新墨西哥州第一颗原子弹试验中受到影响的社区提供补偿吗, as well as expand coverage to residents of Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee and Guam. It also would cover areas of Nevada, 犹他州和亚利桑那州目前不在RECA的覆盖范围内,其中包括额外的铀工人.

辐射暴露会增加患肺癌和肺病等疾病的风险, leukemia, lymphomas and sixteen other recognized cancers. 许多顺风车仍然难以获得高质量、及时的医疗保健. 这项立法将要求政府问责局对顺风车未满足的医疗需求进行研究,并就如何满足这些需求提出建议.

他说:“参议院做了自己的事,美国今天感到自豪 Linda Chase, a downwinder in Nevada. “By passing legislation to protect and improve RECA, 它很好地履行了政府的义务,对那些受到核试验计划辐射的公民进行赔偿. 感谢发起人和其他为这项重要立法的通过而不懈努力的人. Now we look to the House to open their hearts, and their wallets, 并将法案送交总统签署成为法律.”

 “We have waited decades for this victory,” said Mary Dickson, a downwinder from northern Utah. “Justice has been served. Now for the House. Our fight is for all those we’ve lost. They were in that gallery with us today.”

“I am at a loss for words. We have fought so hard, for so long,” said Laura Greenwood, the widow of a downwinder. Her husband, John Greenwood, 他在新墨西哥州三一试验场的下风处长大,在与多种癌症作斗争后去世. “当我丈夫生病时,RECA对我和家人来说是天赐之物. 我希望RECA的援助能够帮助其他家庭免受我们在应对因核试验而改变一生的疾病时所承受的压力和心碎.”

“As a former resident of Missouri, who grew up in the Coldwater Creek area, 我很高兴看到《517888九五至尊娱乐》(RECA)法案(S. 3853) pass in the Senate today,” said Dr. Kim Visintine, a former Coldwater Creek resident. “My family was personally affected, 因为我们六岁的儿子患了一种罕见的放射相关脑瘤. RECA的通过将帮助我们社区中的许多人. As American citizens, 我们期待着最终为我们自己的政府所造成的损害得到正义, and continued support in the House. 感谢所有继续支持我们这个伟大国家遭受伤害的社区成员的人.”

"For me personally, today was very symbolic. A vote like this, with additional support, 11年前我父亲的忌日那天," said 蒂娜·科尔多瓦,第七代新墨西哥人,下风手. “今天,我非常感谢我们所得到的支持和美国参议员们所做的正确的事情. 我永远感谢卢扬参议员、霍利参议员和克拉波参议员推动这项努力. We don't see a vote like this in the US Senate, ever. 这应该向众议院发出一个响亮而明确的信息,即这不是一个党派问题.S. Senate knows what justice looks like."